The goldsmith behind your jewelry
My name is Sharon Wiemelink and I am the goldsmith behind Armoise.
In my studio in Keijenborg, motifs from Classical Antiquity and nature are brought to life in special jewelry.
Al ver voor mijn opleiding tot goudsmid in Schoonhoven raakte ik betoverd door vele gevonden schatten uit verloren tijden, die weer bij elkaar zijn gebracht in musea en andere verzamelingen. Ik begon met het bestuderen van kleine objecten, zoals potten, sieraden, kralen, flesjes, amuletten en beeldjes. Erachter komen welke beschaving, cultuur, mens, en gebruik achter deze objecten schuilt, prikkelde mij. Ik kon deze objecten niet zomaar los laten. Het leren van het ambacht goudsmeden was voor mij dé manier om mijn verbondenheid met deze oude objecten en motieven tot leven te brengen.
Long before my training as a goldsmith in Schoonhoven, I became enchanted by many found treasures from lost times that have been brought back together in museums and other collections. I started studying small objects, such as pots, jewelry, beads, bottles, amulets, and figurines. Finding out which civilization, culture, people, and customs lie behind these objects excited me. I couldn't just let go of these objects. Learning the craft of goldsmithing was the way for me to bring my connection with these old objects and motifs to life.
Would the makers of these ancient objects have been aware of what they left behind on the earth? In any case, I believe that every maker today should be aware of this.
That's why I decided at the end of 2020 that I would start working with Fairmined precious metal. To achieve this, I started a crowdfunding campaign at Voordekunst in the spring of 2021. This was a success and my first Fairmined collection emerged from it.
Armoise x Evaluna
Since 2023 I have been working with the experienced couturier Irene Schaepman of Evaluna Couture . In her shop in the Arnhem Fashion Quarter she combines her (bridal) couture with my jewelry and other artisanal products. An inspiring experience to complete the wedding or other special occasion. You can therefore visit me in my quiet Achterhoek studio as well as in bustling Arnhem.
Irene and others also give various master classes here, such as embroidery techniques, corset making, making a Chanel jacket and I will soon be able to supplement this with a workshop on making silver buttons.